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Mendez是什么意思、发音和在线翻译 - 英语单词大全 - 911查询
来自 : danci.911cha.com/Mendez.html 发布时间:2021-03-25
Mendez是什么意思 Mendez在线翻译 Mendez什么意思 Mendez的意思 Mendez的翻译 Mendez的解释 Mendez的发音 Mendez的同义词 Mendez的反义词 Mendez的例句 MendezMendez 基本解释




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1. 门德兹:厄瓜多尔队在明年夏季赛事中获得成功的希望就寄托在这些年轻球星,以及英明的老将乌利塞斯.德拉.克鲁茨(Ulises de La Cruz)、伊万.赫尔塔多(Ivan Hurtado)、门德兹(Mendez)和不知疲倦的奥古斯丁.德尔加多的身上.

2. Mendez

2. 门德斯:ek) 前锋1 维拉弗尔蒂(Villafuerte) 门将2 古埃瓜(Guagua) 后卫3 赫尔达多(Hurtado) 后卫4 德拉克鲁兹(Cruz) 后卫5 佩尔拉扎(Perlaza) 后卫6 乌鲁迪亚(Urrutia) 中场7 拉拉(Lara) 中场8 埃迪森-门德斯(Mendez) 中场9 博尔加(

3. Mendez

3. 埃迪森-门德斯:7 拉拉(Lara) 中场 数据...8 埃迪森-门德斯(mendez) 中场 数据...9 博尔加(Borja) 前锋 数据曼帝斯兄弟(Armando & Diego mendez):为曼帝斯联盟(mendez)的头目,原与维可家族结盟,...

4. 后卫:门德斯:后卫:塞卡多 Caicedo | 后卫:门德斯 Mendez | 中场:拉拉 Lara

Mendez 双语例句

1. Mendez是什么意思

1. Way of reproducing the problem consistently, with the help of Alvaro Mendez.

2. Mendez在线翻译

2. I can\'t believe the Lieutenant Commander would be using it… but Mendez is another story.

3. Mendez在线翻译

3. That would be Chief Mendez\'s style: change the rules in the middle of a test.

4. If you\'ve read the previous books, then you\'ll have grown attached to characters such as Dr. Halsey and Kelly, who make their return, and you\'ll also have grown attached to Senior Chief Petty Officer Mendez, the soldier who trained the Spartan II class.

5. He reached for his weapon, and then recalled they had no weapons save Chief Mendez\'s sidearm and knife.

6. 37 After SOT Edison Mendez has been a key figure in Ecuador`s midfield and is relishing the opportunity to mix it with the best players in the world.


7. Anne Hathaway, Demi Moore, Eva Mendez, Kate Hudson, Jessica Bell, VICHY Rachel, Justin Timberlake, such as Hollywood star and the darling of the fashion industry after another, intended to stay in the extravagant elegance of a classic red, and work together for Cartier in the United States gorgeous eye-catching, exciting a century of colorful history of applause.

8. Mendez的反义词

8. It was the man who had made her and every Spartan what they were: Chief Petty Officer Mendez.

9. \\u0064\\u0061\\u006E\\u0063\\u0069\\u002E\\u0039\\u0031\\u0031\\u0063\\u0068\\u0061\\u002E\\u0063\\u006F\\u006D

9. Sir, I was under the impression that Chief Petty Officer Mendez had been reassigned years ago to carry out that mission.

10. The Spartan III program is led by Kurt and returning character Senior Chief Petty Officer Mendez.

11. All personnel were accounted for: six dozen handpicked drill instructors, physical therapists, doctors, nurses, psychologists, and the all-important cooks… all here except the most critical person, who was now on the incoming transports: Senior Chief Petty Officer Franklin Mendez, Mendez had, a dozen years ago, trained Kurt and every other Spartan.

12. The Spartans and Mendez took posts on either side of three of these towers.

13. Brazil\'s Athos Schwantes, left, and Argentina\'s Marcelo Mendez competed at the South American Championship IX Fencing in Sabaneta, Colombia, Tuesday.

14. \\u0064\\u0061\\u006E\\u0063\\u0069\\u002E\\u0039\\u0031\\u0031\\u0063\\u0068\\u0061\\u002E\\u0063\\u006F\\u006D

14. Mendez, and Petty Officers Tom and Lucy. If I don\'t make it today, I wanted you to know that I wouldn\'t havedone anything differently, sir.\"The honor has been mine, Kurt said. He held out his hand.

15. Roberto Mendez was taking his afternoon siesta when the plane crashed into his bedroom.

16. Arturo Mendez, a spokesman for the institute, said the fragment of inscription had been discovered years ago and has been subject to thorough study.

17. Mendez was a crack shot, but he was unarmored and slower than the others.

18. Mendez的反义词

18. Chief Mendez stood, and swatted at a mosquito, frowning as he glanced back and forth among the two dozen displays in Camp Currahee\'s control center.

19. Mendez

19. I`ve been working with the guys over at AKA, especially Javier Mendez working with my boxing and Garth Taylor with my Jiu-Jitsu.

20. You brought the new mendez?

Mendez 单语例句Mendez在线翻译

1. Mendez said the teen as \" did not have a background of behavior problems \" that would lead teachers to believe he could cause trouble.

2. Civil protection officer Jorge Mendez said 75 landslides had so far been reported.

3. Eva Mendez endured countless sleepless nights while making new comic book movie Ghost Rider, because the creepy film kept giving her nightmares.

4. Ecuador looked demoralised but they gave themselves a glimmer of a chance with a deflected strike from more than 20 metres out by Edison Mendez.

5. The script would be based on a Wired magazine article published in April about the rescue engineered by retired CIA agent Antonio Mendez of Knoxville.

6. Another victim managed to write down her assailant\'s license plate number, which eventually led to Mendez\'s arrest.

7. Both teams finished a thrilling match with 10 men after Madrid\'s Guti and Zaragoza\'s Ruben Cani were ordered off by referee Fernando Carmona Mendez.

8. Mendez also stripped Aleman of his ability to serve in congress and imposed a fine of $ 10 million.

9. \" We are the first in the world to offer this type of shop, \" says Mendez proudly.

10. Pariente said Mendez usually talked his way into his victims\'homes and threatened them with a gun.

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本文链接: http://fernandomendez.immuno-online.com/view-750265.html

发布于 : 2021-03-25 阅读(0)
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